Saturday, October 28, 2017

Warm Ups

Warm Ups

Warm Up #1
1.  What elements (line, shape/form, color, value, texture) or principles (pattern, contrast, emphasis, unity/variety, movement/rhythm) do you see in this photo? Why do you think that?
A few elements that I see would be shape, colour, and line. I see shape in the way that each cookie is spherical and the plate its on is the same shape. Furthermore, I see colours in how many different hues each cookie is; orange and greens and purples. Finally, I see line n the mat under the plate, a pinned wooden mat on which the plate is set upon.  
A few principles that I see are contrast, emphasis, and unity/variety. Contrast in in how the three main colours are orange, green and purple, three colours that aren't usually put together or seen in the same place. Emphasis is how the cookies are the vibrant spectacle in this pictures, and how all other hues are subdued, and darker in the background. Unity/variety is how each of the cookies is a cookie but they all have their unique colour to them. 

2.Which art element do you think is dominant (stands out the most)?
The art element that I think stands out he most would be emphasis. The cookies are the only vibrant, bright, and colourful thing that is in the picture; the photograph pulls your attention directly to them, and then to the background almost as if it were and after thought. 

Warm Up #2
Describe the photo.  What is the dominant element in this photo? Why?If this photo were black and white, what element would be dominant?
The dominant element in this picture would be colour. This is because the shavings are a bland light brown and the the table on which the shavings are placed are slightly coloured around their edges and this makes this them stand out the most. I f this picture was black and white en the dominant element would be texture, with how the smaller pieces of the tips of the pencils were shaved off and make the picture look almost rough if you could touch it. 

Warm Up #3
How would you describe the space of the photo?
I would describe the space in this picture as a wide expanse of air and breeze and a sunny place that is the prime location to sunbathe and watch the scenery and the sunset.  It feels almost empty in a way. Having all this space but with nothing to fill it. 

Warm Up #4
My favorite memory form my childhood would have been the first Christmas that I had back east, and it snowed the whole first day that we arrived. I was only about five or six, but I can still remember the coldness of the snowflakes as they landed on my tongue and the chill that the snow gave when I played down to make a snowman. I remember getting off the plane and feeling the icy wind nip at my nose. My grandma was waiting with my aunts in the parking lot and they ran up to give me and mom and my brother the biggest hug in the world, or that was what I thought at the time. I remember getting into the car and driving down to my grandmas house and then not being able to wait till I was outside and int he freshly fallen snow. That was also the first time that I saw. deer, it had come to the very edges of my grandmothers vast backyard and was eating some of the only grans that it could fine. It was magical to my little five-year old eyes. 
Warm Up #5
Why might you consider this to be framing? What would help emphasize the framing?
I would consider this framing because of the way that the light is coming out from behind the woman arms, that are raised and are framing almost the rest if her body. The way her dress hangs about her also give the illusion that the cloth is framing her self. To help emphasize this, I would crop the picture to give just the woman the full attention and make it more contrasting to the darkness and the light all around her. 

Warm Up #6
Why would this be a good example of framing?
What design element do you think is dominant (line, shape/form, color, value or texture)? Why?What design principle do you think is dominant (pattern, emphasis, unity/variety, contrast or movement/rhythm)? Why? 
Yes, this would be a good example of framing because the way that the beams come together to form a triangle about the person riding the bike, it forms a frame making them the main focus of the photograph. The design element that I feel is the most dominant would be shape and form and value. This is because the shape of the beams is what first catches the eye and the contrast from dark to light would be the value in the picture. The design principle that I think is the most obvious would be pattern. The beams repeat themselves in the triangular pattern making the latter the most dominant however, emphasis is also evident in the way that the sun peaks through the top angle of the beams at the top of the triangle.   

Warm Up #7
Describe the photo. Which element do you think is dominant? Why? Which principle do you think is dominant? Why? What other elements/principles could possibly be seen in this photo?
Th element that I think is dominant in this picture would have to be line. The picture mostly consists of line, whether they are curved or straight. Also because without those lines, then the picture wouldn't  make any sense. The lines give the picture its meaning in a sense. The dominant principle is balance. This is because the lines form a pattern that are balanced on either side of the lines and in the lines themselves. The balance makes the picture much more organized. Without the balancing aspect o the lines, the photo would be disorganized and out of place, and it wouldn't make much sense wither. Both element and principle give the picture its photogenic and aesthetic appeal. 

Warm Up #8
When I grow up, I'd like to be either a doctor, a vet, or a writer. I have always o=liked helping people and being a doctor would fit right into that field for me. However, I also really love working with animals, and if I had the opportunity the save them, then that would be an amazing bonus. Even still, I've been told that I have a very image active mind and I love writing, be that short stories, novels, essays, poems, or anything else. I'm constantly writing somewhere, so maybe I could at least minor in that when I get to college. I haven't the slightest clue which one I am going to end up picking because right now they all look pretty neat to do. 

Warm Up #9
Describe the photo. What time of day do you think would be best for photographing shadows? What kind of light do you need?
The best time of day to take pictures of shadows is without a doubt later afternoon, when the sun is setting and you have the opportunity to get longer more defined shadows then if you were to try, say, near the middle of the day when the sun is right overhead. 
Warm Up #10
Describe the photos. Which one of these emphasizes the shadows more? Why do you think that?
The picture that emphasizes the shadows more would have to be the one that is in black and white. this is bevies the contrast is more visible with only the two colours of black and white versus all of the colours such as whites, blues, tans, greys. and yellows. This is also because the white and black standout more when put together. Its almost like a sort of juxtaposition in a sense, using the colours for what they are to make a more obvious statement about the contrasting sides of the colour wheel. 
Warm Up #11
What do you think about this idea? Do you buy that they are casting this shadow based on their arrangement? Why or why not?
I think that this idea is super creative and cute. I love the idea of things coming together an making a shadow that is different from what the objects making them actually are. However, I do not think that these people are making the shadow the is cats behind them. This is because the face in the shadow is looking down and none of pope are looking down. Also because the guys arms in the back wouldn't be able to make sure a boxed shaped as it is shown in the shadow. 
Warm Up #12
I wouldn't say that I have a favourite food but if I had to pick, then I guess I would choose my moms peanut butter Reese's cookies. I swear I could eat those day in and day out if I had to. Or maybe I would choose ice cream, I've always been known to have a sort of a sweet tooth. Or maybe I would choose bagels. But they would have to be with cream cheese or peanut butter or they don't taste as good. theses I wouldn't;d have to say would be my favourite, anything with peanut butter really.  

Warm Up #13
Ten Tips For Portrait Photographs:
1. Use natural lighting as much as possible 
2. Don't take in full frontal
4. Avoid distracting lines 
5. Use the apertures F2.8-F5.6
6. Play with eye contact 
7. Alter your perspective 
8. Experiment with lighting 
9. Get out of their comfort zone 
10. Go way close up 

Warm Up #14
What do these two portraits have in common?
These two portraits have both backgrounds as blue being a similarity. They are also both situated outside, They both have gown adults as the main focus. They both have a sort of soft appeal to them. Their backgrounds are both slightly blurred and they both have opposite colours in the picture. There is also the presence of lines behind both model, in the ground and on the building. 

Warm up #15
These two pictures have the similarity of being portraits. They both also focus mainly on the neck and the face. They both contain young women as the models. They also are both set outside using scenery as a backdrop. They have trees and greenery in the back ground. Another similarity would be that they also have buildings in the background as well. They are also similar because both women have darker hair at mid length. 

Warm Up #16
The feeling of this portrait would best be described as somber. Other moods could include feelings of being serious and grave. The way that they are all looking directly at the camera gives us a feeling of seriousness that needs to be attended to. They are all also not smiling or making any distinct facial features. The feeling that that point takes would be that they are being confined and forced to be there, possibly against their will. the picture is also in black and white and not inccolour. This observation shows us that the picture is most likely not one full of happiness and joy, rather a mood that had to deal with darkness.

Warm Up #17
This is a more laid back approach to taking a portrait picture. Usually, taking a portrait of someone would include using their face as the main point of focus in the photographs, but in an instant like this, a portrait shows earth what they like or what they are good at. The mood being drawn from a picture such as this would be something of a lazy afternoon, Its sunny yet fuzzy which gives a feeling of laid back an relaxed happiness. Other ways of taking a portrait would be 

Warm Up #18
The feeling that I get from this picture is pure joy. Another feeling would be one of happiness and excitement. The positions of you and your husband and the looks and smiles form your faces gives the impression that this is one of the happiest moments of your lives. I think that the camera was set to blur the background so as to give you and your husbdant to be the main focus of the picture, and gives you guys the most attention and to not divert onlookers anywhere else. I do tgiubk that I would enjoy a shedding photographer beause I would love yo have someone document that mom wen in my life, but they would also have to be one of then best, I will not be photographed by an ameature. 

Warm Up #19
I love taking pictures in an environment where I am exposed to the outdoors. Being outside is the most fun place for me to take pictures because there is always something new growing and happening to photograph. In a park, a national park, the beach, cliffs, or ever in a river. I love being outdoors when taking pictures although once in a while I get good ones inside a building. I also have a few dead ends around my house with a lot of greenery and bush that are perfect for the more mysterious picture. I am so lucky to love so close to so may good picture taking spots. The type of aperture that you used would have to be a low number, f1.8 or even f2.6 or something around there.  

Warm Up #20
This picture makes me feel like I need to be very quite. It makes me feel almost as though I am intruding on a very personal and intimate embrace thats haoenign between two people that I have no business witnessing. I feel as though I need to back away as quickly and as quietly as possible. This picture is one of my favorites because I'm a sucker for moments such as these. I love being able to bear witness to the quiet moments that two people share. Its like I am a part of a secret that I shouldn't have been but still am. The way that the colors are all dark and colorless makes it all the better. 

Warm Up #21
The first most obvious difference that I saw was that the dogs both are in very different places, the lab being on a sort of porch and the German Shepard being out in the outdoors somewhere. I also noticed that there are in fact, two different breeds of dogs featured in the two photos. 

Warm Up #22
This kind of picture is definitely a quiet moment kind of picture. The mountains in the background are ironic though. Usually mountains are seen as these big and scary monstrous things that you should be afraid of. However, in this picture, they allude a sense of serenity. It makes this picture so much better than if it was just the dock. 

Warm Up #23
I am the kind of person who enjoys anything the simplicities of just taking a stroll down the side walk or along the oceans shore or by the river that runs behind my grandmas yard. However, my favourite outdoor activity would have to be any kind of nature photography. I just have to have my camera with me at all times when I am out and about because you'll never know when the perfect picture will just present itself. I love being behind the lens, which is where I am most comfortable. I need to be able to have the ability to snap in a moments notice so I try to always take my camera with me when I go on a walk or just to the store. I find I take the best pictures this way than when I am really tying. 

Warm Up #24
The best time of day to catch natural silhouettes would have to be sunset. Sunrise is also a good candidate but the way the sun disappears beyond the horizon just gives such better silhouette pictures. I think that this is because of the angle that the sun take on as it starts to fall and dip behind the horizon. It is always better yo catch the sun when its low enough but also not too low, because then it becomes useless. You need to try and find the perfect time, when the sun is just starting to set, but still high enough to have it set behind someone or something. 

Warm Up #25
The difference between a silhouette and a shadow would be that a they are products of very different settings. A shadow is when the light is behind the person and you are taking a photo of the image that is created because of them bein in front of the light. You are aiming your camera at the ground that is in front of the person being infront of the light. However, for a silhouette the lighting has to be also behind the subject, but you are photographing the subject itself. For silhouettes the best times to take them would be in the morning or the evening when the sky is mildly dark but there is still sunlight. This makes for the most realistic and best kinds of silhouettes. 

Warm Up #26
My plans for the break would be to work as many days as possible to make money. I need to invest in more lenses and journals that I can then buy with the money I make. I will also be taking as many pictures as possible because photography is the one thing that can calm me down after a long day at work. I will also be reading and writing. I will read any and all the books that people suggest and lend to me. I will also be working on my poetry. I love all kinds of writing but especially poetry. I will also spend time with my family. Due to all of my homework from school and work I haven't been spending as much time with them than I would like. Therefore, when I am not working, I will be with them. I also want to be with friends away from the school setting.  

Thursday, October 26, 2017



(I couldn't choose which five I liked best so I put them all)


Doing this assignment, I think it was one of the funnest that we've had so far. It's fun to me, finding all of these different and unique aspects in nature and human life all together, all being connected in some way shape and form. The hardest part for me was choosing five pictures that I thought were the best. I'm an indecisive person and so I put all eight instead of five. The funnest part was being with my friends at a masquerade party which was where I found the picture of my friend in her mask. It was on of the perfect6 ones to use, so I did use it. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017




In doing this project, I took 23 pictures, and the pictures presented here are the ones I thought to be the best. I did find that I accidentally took unique pictures by changing where I was and the position that I took while taking these photographs. Doing this project will and has changed the way that I take photos; I will be able to get much better pictures if I take many different types of pictures of the same thing just using different perspectives. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Instant Studio



I thought that these were the bet pictures because they seemed like the ones with the most character so to speak. They were the ones who looked the coolest to me. A challenge was finding different poses to photograph and being able to make each pose look unique, different and interesting. With having to take so many pictures of one thing on two different backgrounds, that was one of the harder thing to do. I was successful i think, in being able to find some poses that made my object look like it was almost alive. I learned that it isn't always about what your subject is, but rather the scene in the the object you're photographing is placed in.  

Monday, October 9, 2017







Did finding the elements first help you find the principles? Why or why not? Which was the hardest principle to find/photograph? Why? What was the easiest? Why?
Yes, it was easier to find the principles after doing the elements first. This is because we used most, if not all, of the elements to find the principles and it was easier now that i already knew what those elements were. The hardest principle for me to photogrqph would have been emphasis or contrast, which seems like it would be the easiest but for me, i needed to find the perfect picture for both and that was really hard. The easist would be pattern or movement, becaue we all move and i'm constantly seeing patterns in everyting, no matter where i go.