Thursday, December 7, 2017

Quiet Moments

Quiet Moments


This was the kind of project where you just had to do it or you wouldn't be able to do anything else. I loved taking these kind of "quiet" pictures because it gives people a sense of how life isn't and shouldn't always be about getting stuff done and then moving on as fast as you can to the next thing. You need to take time and reflect and live in the moment when its happening. Or else your whole life will go by and you want remember any of it because you were too focused on rushing through things all the time. You can't live your whole life in that kind of minder. Where you do things just to get them done. That isn't how its supposed to be. This kind of project draws attention to that. How you have to live life day by day and enjoy all the little stuff. I definitely liked this one the best, and as of now, this is my new favourite. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017



 Reflection: This wasn't as fun a project as I had expected. It was actually more on the difficult side even if that seems absurd. I don't think that I liked this project very much. I definitely like focusing on hands just not in this way per say. I may do this again, but I would definitely do things differently. Overall, it was an okay project, and next time, I would definitely do things differently. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break

What Did I Do Over Break


Holiday Break

       What did I do over break? I had to put my dog down. She had had four surgeries so far this year starting in January and even though she pulled through all of them like the little trooper she was, we had to put her down in the end. So I apologize for not getting these in on time. I have been a wreck. My little Molly Rose was one of the best things that had ever happened to me and with her gone, I just couldnt focus, I couldn't even think straight. So I'm sorry.
       I also spent time with friends. They were there for me when I was a mess at three in the morning and not once did they push me away or day that I was bugging them when in needed some consolation.  They made me smile and laugh when I thought I wanted to die. They made me cry in all the best ways. The lifted me up when I was at my worst. And they showed me what true friendship is. Being there when the people you love need you the most. And for that I think them all so much.
      I also spent time with my family. They all were down, but I tried my best to lift their spirits. My little sister and I would stay up late every night thinking about Molly, and saying how much we missed her. But then we would remember that she is in a better place. But it still would hurt. It still hurts as I write this right now. But she's no longer in pain. Thats what matters the most. Even if it dow hurt like all hell.