Wednesday, June 6, 2018



This project wasn't cooperating with me, and was being a pain in the butt. It wouldn't let me post it on here, so I posted it to youtube then I shared that video here. Which I guess works out, but it was still a pain. I think that this was a pretty fun project besides that. I like having the freedom to make the Gif be about whatever I wanted. So, I chose to do my Gif on a series of pictures that I took in my backyard of the sun setting behind some flowering bushes. I made it so it looks like the opposite of a sunset. This was fun, but I did forget to make it loop more than once. Next time, I'll be sure to make it loop for infinity! Thank you again for such a fun year! See you next year in yearbook!!!

Monday, June 4, 2018


Was it hard? What were your challenges? What made it easy for you? Minimum of 5

This project was semi-hard. I had some help from my friend. However, i still very much dislike photoshop. I liked how it was simple enough in theory. But trying it for yourself is a whole other thing. It was easy enough to get three images where my camera didnt move. However, i had to retake some pictures becasue my model was blocking herself in some of her poses. I would like to do this kind of project again. However, i will say that i almost didnty even want to do this kind of project. Overall, id give it a 6.4/10. 

Warm Ups Part Four

Warm Up #55
What jobs can photographers have? List 5 occupations that photographers can have:
Photographers can have multiple kinds of jobs. They can range from portraits to industrial to landscape. Some pay better than others. Some are much more fun. Some are so Time consuming. Others take half a second. Here are some examples. 
Five specific kinds of photographers are:
1 Fashion 
2 Landscape 
3 Real Estate
4 Action/Sports
5 Wildlife

Warm Up #56
What publication (magazine) would you want to take photos and write for? Why? What do you like about that publication?
I would want to take pictures for National Geographic magazine. This is because I love the variety of pictures that this magazine has. The kinds of pictures are also right up my alley. I love landscape and animal photography. I love animals and nature. So naturally I love landscape and wildlife photography. I like the way that they publish their magazines as well. Their format and layout are very appealling to the eye./They always make their pictures look so much better and I love the captions that they use. 

Warm Up #57
What are your plans for the weekend(mothers day)?
My plans for this weekend are very open ended. My brother may or may not come down to visit depending on if he can get that day off or not. He is currently at Job Corps and he has to take a personal day to be able  to leave campus. I am also scheduled to work Sunday for 8 hours. So I wont be able to attend the beginning half of the party that me, my dad and my sister put together for my mom. I made her a bracelet and a short video as my gift. If we are feeling like it, we may go to Souplataion for dinner on Saturday after church.  

Warm Up #58
Take a look at these easy "photo hacks." What do you think? Which one would you try first, and why?
think that these "hacks" are okay. I liked using a CD to make a flash. I also like using a towel to drag a camera across a desk or table. I also liked useing a piece of glass and then spraying it with water to create a "lonely" look. I would try this one first. It seems easy enough and I have all item needed for it. I disliked the idea of the bx with tissue paper. It seemed to excessive. 
Warm Up #59
What are some things that you already do? What are some new things that you learned?
Some things that I already do is wait for the perfect time to take a picture somewhere that is overrun with tourists. The article said to wait "Wait until some tourists leave your area or some bright tram passes by..." This was something that I was already doing even before I read said article. Another thing that I was doing was using what they called, "contre-jour," which is using a light source behind the model to create a softer tone to the photo. Something new that I learned was the difference between the "golden hour" and the "blue hour". The former is one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset and the latter is one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset. This was something that I had had an idea about but never really new the name of. 

Warm Up #60
What are your plans for the summer?
My plans for the summer consist of working and spending time with my family when I am not working. And of course, yearbook camp. Which I as actually very excited about attending. I cannot wait till next year. I have very high hopes for next years yearbook! For summer, I may also visit some colleges to try and finalize where I woudl like to go after senior year. I want to stay in-state somewhere but I also want to get out of San Diego. I was thinking of going to Mesa then transferring after 2 years. This summer, I will also try to stay in touch with friends and keep each other up to date about everything thats going on with out lives. 

Warm Up #61
Check out these interesting photography facts. Which FIVE are the most interesting to you?
The five that most interest me would be:
1. long exposure 
2. take many pictures
3.. The first every digital camera to be created was in December 1975
4.The oldest known photograph to have a person (human) in the shot was clicked in Paris in 1838. 
5. There are more than 240 billion photos that have been uploaded on Facebook

Warm Up #62
If you could do one of our projects over, which one would it be? Why? What would you do differently?
I would do space. I would do it correct this time. I would take it of the beach. This is b
Warm Up #63
What are your plans for the long weekend?
My plans for the long weekend are to work and relax. Lately I have been going  though tough time. So, I need some time to just sit back and take a breath. I don't necessarily want to work, but it does take your mind off of things. I also need some time away from the family as well.Sometimes, you just need to get away.  And they should let you. Some time to reset yourself and to get back to where you are comfortable. That is what I will be doing over my long weekend. Being away from school and people. Just being with myself and my thoughts.

Warm Up #64
Look at the photos below. Do you like the distortions? Do you think these types of photos are classified as "photography," or as "art?" Why?
I do not believe that this kind of image can be classified as photography. I think that it better fits in the realm of art. This is because of the amount of distortions hat the photo has undergone. Yes I think that they are creative. Yes I believe that they look very interesting. But no, I don't think that they should be categorized by "photography". Rather, art fits better. This is because photography has to do more with what was photographed. Art is what happens after the photo was taken. Just like these images. 

Warm Up #65
What are some ideas you hadn't thought of?
Some green screen ideas that I hadn't thought of were placing the model in a movie scene. Specifically an action movie scene with the model posing as if they were in the movie. Another idea was to place the model interacting with a villain or a criminal. Placing the model with a villian as if they were thinking of taking over the world together. Another idea was to place the model in space and have them fighting alien invaders. Another idea would be to place them alongside heroes. Such as the Avengers or Justice League. I also hadn't thought of making the model fly. I could have made her jump and then used that image and placed her somewhere in the air. These are some green screen ideas that I hadnt thought of.