Sunday, April 29, 2018

Warm Ups Part Three

Warm Up #42
Check out this like of photos of “’70s Rebellious Youth” What are your observations about the photos? What would photos of today’s “rebellious youth” look like?
Most of these pictures have the teens involved in smoking. They are also very relaxed and laid back for this time period. There was also a photo of a white girl being with a black boy. This would have been considered very forward for their time and was usually frowned upon. I also saw some "provocative" outfits that the girl was wearing. I doubt that their mothers would have approved if they saw them wearing what they were. I also noticed the closeness that appeared in the pictures. No longer did people keep apart, but they acted on the impulse to be closer to the people that they liked or loved.  They weren't afraid to be expressive with themselves. 

Warm Up #43 
How was this photo taken?
I believe that this picture was taken using a long exposure. However, that would only account for the background of the photo. I think then a new picture was placed on top of that picture. It would have to be done in photoshop. Using two layers. Otherwise, you wouldn't have the clear background and the clear profile picture of the dancer. Also, using two layers would give you the opportunity to make one more prominent. This can give the photo depth and perspective.

Warm Up #44
Tell me about a funny, random, or scary encounter you’ve had with an animal.
I have always loved animals. I have been told that I have a sort of "connection" with them. However, I do not like them when they hide their bowls from me when it comes time to feed them and they are making me late for work. This happened a few weeks ago when I was dog-sitting for one of my neighbors. I had gone over at about 4:45 p.m. and I only had about 15 minutes to be with them before I had to leave for work. However, Gracie, a German Shepard mix, had other ideas. She had somehow managed to hide her bowl in the basket that is at least 4ft high. I still have no idea how she did it because it's in the most awkward position and surrounded by tools and such. I had looked just abut everywhere for it that afternoon and Gracie was no help whatsoever. She would just walk all about me whining and wagging her tail. I finally was able to locate it because I guess she got bored or hungry or something and she walks to the basket and started to scratch at it. I ended up being 20 minutes late just because she wanted to play, but I wasn't angry at her. She's still my good girl, :)

Warm Up #45
We are going to be doing another set of portraits soon, using the lighting studio in the back of the room. What kind of portraits would you like to take?
I would like to take portraits that don't necessarily focus solely on the persons face, or upper body like traditional portraits are made. I want to diverge from that path. I would like to try and do something differently. Maybe perhaps one that focuses on some of their hobbies or likes. Or Something about what their favorite place to go to is. Or maybe something that makes them them. I woudl also like to play around with lighting, and maybe make shaodws that can play aorund with.

Warm Up #46
We are going to start a studio portrait project. I 've had you look at a few sites like this before, but take a look at these and jot down 2 things from each site that you think will be helpful. The first one has more to do with how you work with your subject. The second one focuses more on camera stuff.

From the first site, I liked the advice of playing with lighting and eye contact. I think that lighting can make or break a picture. Also, it can make your pictures 1000 times better if you do it in the right way. Thats not necessarily to say that there is a right and wrong way to take pictures, there isn't, but there also is a right and wrong way to use lighting. I also liked the idea of playing with eye contact because it can make a picture more intimate or mysterious depending on where the model is looking, or better yet, not looking. From the second site, I liked the advise on aperture and creative composition. I love making the background to my pictures blurry and only the main subject in focus. I also like messing around with how many tings that I can fit into one specific shot or how little I can put into pictures. 

Warm Up #47
For your warm up today, look at the links below and tell me which category seems most interesting and why. You need to COPY and PASTE the links, don't click on them.
The category that I find the most interesting would have to be the urban and street photography. I love baing able to take pictures of some of the intimate moments that can happen on the streets of this city. Some of the best photographs are captured this way, when people think that others arent paying attention but you are. Its also amazing to see how people really react when they think that no one is watching them. I know that that may sound slightly creepy, but i love people watching. You can see who people really are when they are alone and being themselves.

Warm Up #48
What's been going on with you lately?
This is a kind of question that has multiple answers. Firstly, there is the answer that anyone would want to hear, that you are good and getting your work done and just a little stressed, but that's to be expected due to it being Junior year in high school and all. Secondly, there is the answer that you aren't so good and that you are struggling and having a hard time with things and that you are slightly falling behind. Thirdly, and lastly, there is the answer that your mental illness is getting in the way of almost everything you do and making it so very difficult to just get up in the morning and let you eat something or not and then starves you and makes you cry despite nothing really happening.
School has been hard, drama is constantly following me everywhere, and work has been hell. But I will get by as I usually do, despite the fact that I do have a mental illness and autism and a whole hell of a lot of other problems breathing down my neck 24/7. Its the way that things have always been.

Warm Up #49
We will begin doing some Photoshop stuffs in a few weeks. Brainstorm three ideas of things you might want to learn how to do. You don't need to know how to do the things, just come up with three things you would want to learn.
Three things that I would like to learn to do in photoshop:
1. How to edit out things like a chair to make it seem like a person is floating or walking on air.
2. How to give someone multiple arms or feet o hands to make them seem like a monster.
3. How to make a web design.
I believe that it would be so fun to be able to make a web design, or wipe out someones entire face or arm to make it seem like they are a zombie. I feel like photoshop is a kind of place where you can just mess around as you go. It would be fun to learn how to make things that aren't exactly real though. Let your imagination run wild is one of the best feelings in the world. You are able to do literally anything.

Warm Up #50
How have you been editing your photos? Are you still using Lightroom? Do you use an app on your phone or just the basic editing programs on your computer or phone? What do you usually do to edit your photos?
Yes, I have been editing my pictures. And yes I am still using Lightroom. I first start with making sure that the picture is neither too bright nor too dark unless I want to use those as an effect for something, then I would make I slightly more darker. Otherwise, I would try to find an in-between balance that would make the picture seem to have been taken in just the right circumstances so that it would have come out "perfect". I then fix the highlights and the color contrasts to bring out what I would like to highlight and accentuate.

Warm Up #51
What's your favorite drink and from where?
My favorite drink is a hot chocolate made from scratch that my grandma used to make. She would use chocolate and sugar and other ingredients that she would never tell us. I guess that that was what made it so special. Sh would then proceed to put marshmallows and cinnamon and whipped cream on top and if we were good she would also sometimes add mini chocolate chips. It was so delicious and creamy and thick and amazing. I haven't had it in a few years since we last went back east for Christmas but it is well worth the wait. it just makes it that much sweeter.

Warm Up #52
Describe the photo. What are other ways to photograph "portraits" without showing faces?
This picture is very relaxed. I feel like I am witnessing the birth of a piece of art that no one should see before it is finished. This picture seems like something out of a fairy tale, the way that it looks so serene and filtered. There are many ways to photograph a portrait and not necessarily have the picture be of someone's face. You could take pictures of things that they like to do, or have them be at places that they are notorious for staying at. You could also photograph them being in their element. This would include a track athlete on the field running, or a writer at a desk surrounded by a million piles of papers and messy hair and a cup of coffee by their side while they smile slightly as they are scribbling frantically on a napkin because god forbid that they write on a used piece of paper that they call their "idea" paper.

Warm Up #53Peruse through her website, and tell me something you like about her work, or something that seems interesting. She also has a Facebook page.
I found this photo on her FB, and what do you think I love about this collage? 
Something that I found interesting is that she places what seems to be drawn hearts in white over some of the faces of her models. Whether this is to protect their identity or to add to her effect I have no idea. However, it does add a little something to her pictures. I think that it adds a sense of wonder or mystery to each photograph. I also like how most if not all of her pictures are subdued in the sense that they have blurred lines and movement in them or are covered using a filter.

Warm Up #54  If you could only photograph one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

If I could photograph one thing for the rest of my life, I would have to choose nature. Probably landscape photography, or perhaps just street photography. I like landscape photography because you have so many choices to pick from depending on what you want to capture. But at the same time I love having the opportunity to take candid pictures while roaming the streets of the city. If I had to choose, I would pick street photography because it has so many different topics all smushed into one. You can photograph people, homeless or just walking about. You could photograph grafitti, images painted illegally onto the surfaces of society, or even the way that the laundry dries hanging a hundred feet up in the air. Or the way that they bikes all line up until that one that just has to be the opposite way.  


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