Friday, March 23, 2018

Tiny Beautiful Things

 Original                                                                                                Edited

I chose to photograph things that I found to be beautiful. I have just recently finished reading one of my favourite books for like the fifth time and decided to base my project off of the book. The book is called Tiny Beautiful Things by Ceryl Strayed. I at first wanted to picture things off of the letter titles but that deemed a little too difficult with only a week to do the project. So instead i photographed things based off of the title, things that I found to be beautiful despite their small size. I think that this is important because it teaches you to accept the small things and to always appreciate everything that you have. A change wad finding just the right kinds of things to take pictures of. I had many things in mind but none of them would turn out the way that I wanted them to. Overall this was a very fun project and hope before this semester is up we get to do another free prjocet such as this one.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Warm Ups Part Two

Warm Up #27
Our next project is going to be a photographic narrative. Google it. What is it, and how would you go about doing one?
          A photographic narrative is a story told through pictures. I can go about this by putting my camera on continuous mode and taking many pictures. I will make sure I capture the plot of is happening in my picture sequence. I can then take from all those pictures the ones that I believe tell the story the best. This kind of project will be similar to a comic although it won't have the words. This kind of project will probably be one that I enjoy because I like telling a story with my pictures. It will also be hard to choose which twelve pictures that I like the most. I will let my pictures tell the story that I wouldn't be able to if I just wrote it.

Warm Up #28
What are the differences between these triptychs? Which one do you like best and why?
          The most obvious difference between these triptychs would be that they all consist of different types of subjects. The first one has a tree being its main focus, the second has different parts of a man as its center and the third one focuses on a fictional being. They are all also in different scenes. The first being in nature while the remaining two are focused on being just with the subject being photographed. Another stark difference that I saw was that two out of the three pictures have people, whether they are real or imaginary as being the main subject in the picture. The third picture mainly focuses on a plant being in nature. A final difference I saw was that the two pictures with people in them are black and white and the picture of the trees are in colour. I believe that this brings out the distinct shades of color in nature and it makes the pictures containing only people more dramatic. 

Warm Up #29
What do you do when you are bored?
          When I am bored, I tend to write and read a lot. As a result, I have read everything from biographies to short stories to novels and to poetry. I have also written my fair share of short stories and poetry, and have even attempted to write my own novel. Although it didn't go as planned, it was still a super fun experience. I also like to just go out and take as many pictures as I can. I don't focus them, I don't mess with them, I just point and shoot. Sometimes, I get some of my best, and cool looking photos this way. I find that it is so much more relaxing to do this than to have a plan and have to Gert a certain kind and amount of pictures. When I am bored, I also tend to think a whole lot. And sometimes that isn't the best thing to do, not when you have a very real mental illness that whispers things to you that would break a weaker person. But sometimes those things still get to you no matter how hard you try to ignore them. And then its back in the cycle of doing other things but then always go back to thinking. 

Warm Up #30
Describe the photo. This photo has an interesting perspective, and no Photoshop was used. How was it created? What elements do you see and where? (When I ask, I want the dominant elements. We often see most of them in most of our photos!)?
          This photo was most likely created by having a person stick their head out the side of a train as the photographer does as well in front of them to snap the picture. I see the elements of line almost immediately. The lines from the railroad tracks are the most obvious. They are going from the middle to the outer left edge, giving this photograph an amazing perspective. I am very impressed with this photographer. Secondly, I see the telephone wire lines in the sky and the lines from the windows framing the man's face. I also see lines from where the picture was blurred, almost as if the train was going very fast when the photo was taken. 

Warm Up #31
A lot of magazines are trying to use more realistic and natural photos, however many magazines still use extreme Photoshopping for their ads and covers. What do you think of this practice? What do you think it says to consumers?
          I think that magazines should use everyday folk to model for them. When little girls and boys are constantly hounded by images of peoples bodies that seem to be almost possible to obtain, it can lead to bad habits, eating disorders, depression, and in extreme cases suicide. I think that they need to start showing everyone that there is more than one way to look "beautiful" and that we all don't necessarily need to be a size zero or be skinny to the bone to be desired. I think that using as much photoshop as they do, it tells the consumers that we aren't good enough to have our "real" bodies shown to the public and that we need to be "perfected" and touched up because the way that we are isn't good enough. 

Warm Up #32
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
         If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would want to go somewhere that is far away from civilization. Somewhere that is hidden away in the mountains or in some remote beach or plain. I would want to go to a place like this because its good to get away from everything for a while. Its good to distance yourself from everyone and to just relax for as long as possible before entering back into society. 
     But if I had to choose a specific place to travel to, I would pick Massachusetts. I have family there and it is an all-out beautiful place. It is also full of history and historic parks and places. There are new things to see every day. I wouldn't mind spending a little extra time there. 

Warm Up #33
Which images do you like (choose 5) and how do you think they were created?

          I think that their pictures were created by allowing the shutter speed to be longer, twenty to thirty seconds. Then they would have had to make sure that not too much light was allowed through by commentating with the aperture. Then it would have to be dark for this kind of photography to even work at all. I believe that each picture took a while to take. The light painting isn't something that can be done in a single shot or minute for that matter. I like the idea that these pictures made all similar circular designs. 

Warm Up #34

Google Image search "light painting." Find 3 examples you like and include them in your post. What do you like about them? How do you think they were created?

           I liked these three pictures of light painting. I like the first one because it has such an interesting connotation to it. When I say it I immediately thought of a rebellious child doing something that he really shouldn't be. It reminded me of when I would do things that I really shouldn't have done but it was so fun that I didn't even care to be in trouble. I like the second because it's just something so simplistic and yet it makes me smile every time that I look at it. I think that it's those small little things that can make everything worth it in the end. I finally like the third one because it's just so freeing to see that image even if her wings are only a trick of the light. I think that they were  

Warm Up#35
What did you do over the long weekend?
          On Friday, I slept in. I hadn't been feeling very well and I had to work late Thursday night so that morning I slept in. I then proceeded to stay home all day and relax mostly. I had to work that night. However, I was told that a very close family friend had passed away and on top of that I got a write up at work over some money issues. It was humiliating but I cried a little in front of my managers. They probably understood but it was still sooooooo embarrassing. Saturday, I woke up early because it just feels weird for me to sleep in too much. Later that day I went to do an escape room with my family and the other people who signed up to do it. I hated that mom spent money on me to go and do it but it was actually sort of fun. We then went out to dinner ar Souplantaion. Sunday I had to work from 9:30 to 3:30 but it wasn't as bad as I had feard that it was going to be. 

Warm Up #36
Whats your favourite thing about living in San Diego?
          My favourite thing about living in San Diego would have to be the beautiful views that we are blessed to have every morning and evening when the sun is rising and setting. I like being able to wake up and be greeted with a pink and purple and red sky blazing overhead. I also like to have so many beaches available within a 20-minute drive from my house. I have always loved going to the beach and to the bay and the tide pools and to have so many options at m disposal is wonderful. Another thing that I enjoy would have to be the temperatures and the weather. We are known for our sunny beaches and mild temperatures here in Sunny Southern San Diego. I am so thankful that we do not have to deal with snow and sleet and excessive rain and very high temperatures and snowstorms and dust storms and everything else that a lot of our states have to deal with. 

Warm Up #37
Choose 5 Social Issue ideas and brainstorm how you might go about taking or creating photos.
Tell me: 1. Social Issue 2. What you would take photos of. 3. How you would take the photos, or how you would create the photos. 4. Why you would be interested in taking these photos. 

1. Body Image: A person who hates their body and pokes awn grabs at it, people holding signs, someone who has a full plate in front of them but doesn't eat any of it  
2. Mental Illness: Descriptions of what kinds of mental illnesses there are, pictures of the names of mental illnesses, pictures o what its like to live with these kinds of diseases 
3. Abortion: What is it, why people are against it, why religion is against it and why it should ultimately be up to the woman 
4. Slut-shaming: "Scandalous" pictures, girls trying to be provocative, a girl wearing a conservative short nets fishnets underneath 
5. Gender identity: LGBTQ+ representation, people looking in the mirror, some are  happy and some arent 

Warm Up #38
What is this project about? Scroll through the photos. Which photo and/or photographer did you enjoy the most? Why?This project is about taking pictures of famous photographers who are holding their most famous pictures. It might also be about making sure that each photographer gets the credit that they deserve. My famous photographer and their picture would be Karen Kuehn and “Cats Story”. This is because I loved the way that she was pictured with her photograph set in front of her almost like it was a mirror showing another side to her. I love pictures such as these that contain almost an optical illusion. I liked the way that her picture just fit so nicely into the photo that has both her and her piece in it. 

Warm Up #39

If you could be any animal what would you be?
          If I could be any animal, I would want to be a dog. A pet that has the ability to bring peace and happiness to those who are around me. I love being able to make those around me happy and content and being a dog would be the exact fit for me to do that. This is also because I would love the opportunity to sleep all day, eat almost everything and be smothered with kisses. I would have the freedom to do anything and I wouldn't have the restraint of school or work or other people in my way. I would also love to be able to have a better sense of smell. That way, the food would be that more appetizing. 

Warm Up #40
Check out these two blog posts about taking portraits. Not all of them will apply to what we are doing. Write down ten things you think might be helpful when trying to photograph your subject’s emotions.
Ten Things That Might Be Helpful When Trying To Photograph A Subjects Emotion
1. Play With Eye 
Contact: have your subject looking off camera, or down. 
2. Experiment With Expression: experiment with different moods and emotions.
3. Shoot Candidly: Some of the best emotions come from spur of the moment pictures.
4. Take a Series of Shots: you most likely will not get it right on the first try, so take multiple images to choose from. 
5. Change the Colouring to Black and White: It Eliminates the distraction of colour and puts an emphasis on the subject's expression 
6. Eyes: They have been called the "windows into the soul" and focusing on the eyes can convey a lot of emotion in certain pictures. 
7. Anticipate a "Moment": Again, many of the best shots come from expecting the unexpected, so always have the camera ready to shoot. 
8. Photograph Moments Between Poses: When your subject is changing position, that is also a very good time to photograph them because that is a moment when they are revealing their true self. 
9. Props: Most people relax when a prop is introduced so play around with different props that can help emphasize the emotion that you want to capture. 
10. It Doesn't Always Have To Be Perfect: Many emotions are messy and a mix of many different things so don't be afraid to "get your hands dirty" and play around with multiple emotions that are very close to one another.

Warm Up #41
You don’t have to look at all of these portraits but look at a variety. Choose three bloggers who you feel showcased a variety of emotions well. And tell me why.
Also, some photos were posted as a group, and some were posted individually. Do you think the way the photos were presented added to the overall feeling of the photos?
I fell like Brandon, Elaina, and Hugo all showcased the emotions well in their pictures. I think that is because they chose very expressive models to photograph. I also belive that they directed their specimen with well enough instruction so that they could convey their emotions across. I do think that they way the photos are presented impcts the overall feeling of a pictures ompact. I htink that when the pictures are black and white its more real, it feels trhat much more dramatic. ai also feel like it deoends on the emotiosn as to wheter or not it shouldbe taken as a group or an individual. I also believe that the distance between the subject and the camera plays a very important role in how much emphasis is placed on the emotion that the photographer is trying to capture. 


Friday, March 9, 2018















A very large challenge during this project was the fact that it is very easy for some people to laugh when they are in front of a camera lens. It was a lot harder than I though to get good quality portrait pictures of the many human emotions when your model cannot contain herself. However, I loved working with Katie and it was a lot of fun. Another challenge was for her to be able to express the exact emotion that I wanted to portray in my pictures. I think that making the pictures black and white made each emotion more impactful to the viewer. I liked this project to a certain extent because it was semi-difficult to capture each emotion in a distinct photo. I would definitely do something similar to this in the future though. 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Social Issue

I Have To Get Away
What is Wrong WIth ME?
I Don't Belong Here
The Good Kind Of Pain
(don't worry, its Fake)
How to Finally Go Home
 A Glimpse Into My MInd
 It never Stops 
 Finally NUmb
(Again, Fake)
 This is Why I Don't Write When I'm In a Mood
Worthless, A Waste of Space
I am The Ugliest Thing In The World

Mental Illnesses
          The most common types of mental illnesses are depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and ADHD. Mental illnesses are health conditions that involve changes in thinking, emotional status, and behavioral tendencies. Nearly 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. have experienced some form of mental illness. These kinds of diseases are usually caused by or associated with distress, family problems, and can affect one's ability to function in social, work and family activities. They are also commonly found among teenagers and as young as middle schoolers.Mental illnesses do not discriminate, they can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, income, social status, religion, or any other aspect of cultural identity. They can range from fairly mild to being so severe that the person may need to be hospitalized. Many of these health conditions can be treated and improvement is possible. Although they aren't able to fully cure the person, that person has a very good chance of being able to live more normally if treated as soon as possible. 
         I went about taking my pictures as if I had a mental illness, which I do. I thought about what kinds of mental illness there are and went from there. I put myself in the shoes of someon who has a serious metal illness adn thought about how they would see the work dand otu that uis different from how ebveryon elese sees the world. I believe that to make people pay more attention to these kinds of issues, then you have to show them, otherwise, they'll never listen to you. I created my pictures by expressing what I believe to be the most obvious forms of the illnesses of depression, negative body image, self-esteem issues and anxiety as well as self-harm while it isn't a mental illness per say, it often goes hand in hand with the illnesses themselves.  
         I have been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. Therefore, i thouight it would be fitting that i did this project on mental illnesses. my personal viewpoint is that these things are very real and they can be horrible to have to live with. My personal opinion is that mental illnesses are often either overlooked or seen to be completely different than what they actually are. I want to bring to attention how someone can have a mental illness and no one would know. I want people to start realizing that these things are just as bad if not worse than a physical injury. I want to bring to the stage the idea that we all are struggling with something and if left untreated, it can ultimately lead to destruction.