Friday, March 23, 2018

Tiny Beautiful Things

 Original                                                                                                Edited

I chose to photograph things that I found to be beautiful. I have just recently finished reading one of my favourite books for like the fifth time and decided to base my project off of the book. The book is called Tiny Beautiful Things by Ceryl Strayed. I at first wanted to picture things off of the letter titles but that deemed a little too difficult with only a week to do the project. So instead i photographed things based off of the title, things that I found to be beautiful despite their small size. I think that this is important because it teaches you to accept the small things and to always appreciate everything that you have. A change wad finding just the right kinds of things to take pictures of. I had many things in mind but none of them would turn out the way that I wanted them to. Overall this was a very fun project and hope before this semester is up we get to do another free prjocet such as this one.

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