Monday, March 5, 2018

Social Issue

I Have To Get Away
What is Wrong WIth ME?
I Don't Belong Here
The Good Kind Of Pain
(don't worry, its Fake)
How to Finally Go Home
 A Glimpse Into My MInd
 It never Stops 
 Finally NUmb
(Again, Fake)
 This is Why I Don't Write When I'm In a Mood
Worthless, A Waste of Space
I am The Ugliest Thing In The World

Mental Illnesses
          The most common types of mental illnesses are depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and ADHD. Mental illnesses are health conditions that involve changes in thinking, emotional status, and behavioral tendencies. Nearly 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. have experienced some form of mental illness. These kinds of diseases are usually caused by or associated with distress, family problems, and can affect one's ability to function in social, work and family activities. They are also commonly found among teenagers and as young as middle schoolers.Mental illnesses do not discriminate, they can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, income, social status, religion, or any other aspect of cultural identity. They can range from fairly mild to being so severe that the person may need to be hospitalized. Many of these health conditions can be treated and improvement is possible. Although they aren't able to fully cure the person, that person has a very good chance of being able to live more normally if treated as soon as possible. 
         I went about taking my pictures as if I had a mental illness, which I do. I thought about what kinds of mental illness there are and went from there. I put myself in the shoes of someon who has a serious metal illness adn thought about how they would see the work dand otu that uis different from how ebveryon elese sees the world. I believe that to make people pay more attention to these kinds of issues, then you have to show them, otherwise, they'll never listen to you. I created my pictures by expressing what I believe to be the most obvious forms of the illnesses of depression, negative body image, self-esteem issues and anxiety as well as self-harm while it isn't a mental illness per say, it often goes hand in hand with the illnesses themselves.  
         I have been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. Therefore, i thouight it would be fitting that i did this project on mental illnesses. my personal viewpoint is that these things are very real and they can be horrible to have to live with. My personal opinion is that mental illnesses are often either overlooked or seen to be completely different than what they actually are. I want to bring to attention how someone can have a mental illness and no one would know. I want people to start realizing that these things are just as bad if not worse than a physical injury. I want to bring to the stage the idea that we all are struggling with something and if left untreated, it can ultimately lead to destruction.  

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